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B2B Services.
Digital productions.

Exploring the world of digital production.

Overview. Core B2B services.

* We offer a wide range of services which can be booked individually or in conjunction with each other.

Consulting. Expert advice on producing and publishing media.

The PMVG advises businesses on the prospects of employing various forms of digital advertising media and how to optimise their return of investment.
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Woman looking at phone

Concept Work. Market data and digital advertising strategies.

Delivering market insights and customer profiles to determine and develop effective digital advertising strategies.
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Media Production. Digital productions, videos, and animations.

Offering a wide array of production services with our experience in video production and post-production, 2D and 3D animations, music production and sound design.
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Sales & Development. Sales-Service, Web-development and marketing.

Other digital media services include web design and development as well as direct sales and advertising support for businesses and institutions.
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Long-term Contract

from 42.0€ / h

Monthly Billing
1* Contracts will show a list of retainer services included in the contract as well as general terms of the cooperation.
2* Before entering into a contract the PMVG will make a firm offer tailored to the customer's needs.
3* Contracts may be altered on request by either party and will come into effect upon mutual agreement.
4* Long-term contract prices are calculated based on the amount of resources required per month.
Single Project

price tbd

Single Invoice
1* Single projects will entail a pre-determined set ofservices and adhere to our general terms of service.
2* Before entering into a contract the PMVG will make afirm offer tailored to the customer's needs.
3* Media delivery will include the target media only. Unless explicitly included in the contract, project files will not be delivered to the client.
4* Single project contract prices are calculated based on the scale and impact of the proposed project.


The PMVG is a highly capable advertising house with years of experience in designing and producing digital ads. Combining market data and fundamental sales psychology with stunning visuals and audio cues has been the key to many of our clients' success stories.

We specialise in digital advertisements designed through targeted storytelling. To convince potential customers of your vision, we determine best practice models based on market data and collective demographic tendencies to develop tailored media concepts.

Employing our skills in pre-production, production and post-production, we ensure that our digital advertisements yield high ROI for our clients. Whether entirely computer generated productions or shot video footage, our skillsets cover all professional requirements for digital media.

We offer a unique and different experience to businesses and subsequently to their customers, with high return digital media.

Concept work.
AI tools.

Expanding our extensive production background, with ever growing demand for AI, the PMVG has developed advanced AI skills.

While we highly restrict the usage of standalone AI productions to ensure unique productions for each of our customers, AI tools have proven to be an excellent source for concept work and visualisations.

In our experience, AI generated images are rarely flawless and require strict supervision and manmade alteration to ensure quality and consistency. For that reason, AI has become an integral part of conceptualisation and brainstorming in our advertising projects, with final productions consisting primarily of real world footage or 3D animated renders.

We continue to build upon our AI integrations with new technology being published in the coming months. Clients who wish to explore the possibilities of AI in digital media can get in touch with us via the contact form.


Our production specialists use industry standard programs like Premiere Pro, After Effects, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Blender, Unity Engine, Unreal Engine.  
Service List


Music & SFX
Understanding the importance of sound effects and choice of music for advertisements, we use professional audio software such as Ableton Live for our sound design.
Service List

Service List

Updated on the 11th of December 2023.

- Media Consulting
- Marketing Consulting
- Sales Consulting

Concept work

- Market Research Reports
- Customer Profile
- Marketing Strategy
- Medien Strategy
- Media Concepts

Media production

- Video Production
- Post-Produktion
- 2D Animations (Infographics, Graphic Animations)
- 3D Animations (3D Renders & Animations)
- Sound Design & SFX
- Music Production
- Digital Designs


- Web-Design
- Corporate Design
- Web-Development


- Direct Sales