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Pricing Models.
Booking B2B Services

* Details about the news and services listed below can be found on the B2B Services page. For references please visit the References & Creator section.
Long-term Contract

from 42.0€ / h

Monthly Billing
1* Contracts will show a list of retainer services included in the contract as well as general terms of the cooperation.
2* Before entering into a contract the PMVG will make a firm offer tailored to the customer's needs.
3* Contracts may be altered on request by either party and will come into effect upon mutual agreement.
4* Long-term contract prices are calculated based on the amount of resources required per month.
Single Project

price tbd

Single Invoice
1* Single projects will entail a pre-determined set ofservices and adhere to our general terms of service.
2* Before entering into a contract the PMVG will make afirm offer tailored to the customer's needs.
3* Media delivery will include the target media only. Unless explicitly included in the contract, project files will not be delivered to the client.
4* Single project contract prices are calculated based on the scale and impact of the proposed project.
Reference Pricing: Consulting

Media, marketing and sales consulting services are usually priced in at 125,00€ per hour. Note that this is only the pricing average for long-term contracts based on past projects and will be evaluated individually based on your project's requirements to ensure appropriate coverage.

Consulting prices for single projects will be calculated based on the impact and scale of the required service.

Reference Pricing: Media Production

Media production services are usually priced in at 45,00€ per hour. Note that this is only the pricing average for long-term contracts based on past projects and will be evaluated individually based on your project's requirements to ensure appropriate coverage.

Media production and post production prices for single projects will be calculated based on the impact and scale of the required service.

Reference Pricing: Concept work

Concept work, customer profiles and strategising services are usually priced in at 85,00€ per hour. Note that this is only the pricing average for long-term contracts based on past projects and will be evaluated individually based on your project's requirements to ensure appropriate coverage.

Concept work prices for single projects will be calculated based on the impact and scale of the required service.

Reference Pricing: Web-Development & Sales

Web-development prices are complex and based on the complexity of the site. Our prices range from 1.800,00 for simple websites up to 56.000,00 for complex webshops.

Direct sales services are usually invoiced on a 15% comission basis.

Cooperation Workflow Q&A

1. Step: Get in touch.
Send us your personalised inquiry about your project and which services you require from us. You can use our contact form to send us an email. We will respond within 24 hours.

2. Step: Meeting with our project lead.
You will hold a 1 to 1 meeting with our managing partner to discuss your options and tailor the services to your needs. We offer initial consulting for your project for free.

3. Step: Firm offer.
You will receive a final offer which lists all services you require and their respective prices. You have the opportunity to request for changes to be made and/or to confirm the offer.

4. Step: Project start.
After formally accepting the cooperation as set out in the offer, we will begin working on the project.